A Store with Style
This is what you CAN do with the default CFWebstore, some add-on modules, and some CSS.
Installed add-on modules:
- Responsive - With the responsive framework you can modify the front-end with CSS and allow your store to resize for all screen sizes - desktop, tablets, and mobile phones.
- Slider - Used the free jquery slider Camera to give the home page some pizazz.
- Blog - Kick your social media up a notch by adding a blog. It's a great way pass information to your customers while driving traffic. Having the blog built-in means you don't to style a 3rd-party solution.
- Better Wishlists - The old wishlists saved the product but not your chosen options and add-ons. The new Wishlist records your options and add-ons and allows you to add them directly to the shopping cart.
- Color Options - Add images to you option choices. Click on a thumbnail to choose the color or click the icon for a larger view.
Check out all the modules available for purchase at NucomWebHosting.com.