- If you haven't already, sign up for a FedEx account here.
- Go to the Fedex Developer Resource Center's Solution Finder and click on FedEx Web Services (located under Home on the left-hand side).
- Click the Move to Production link.
- Click on the Get Production Key that appears under the production menu.
- Read and agree to the terms of service, then tick the boxes and click I Accept.
- On the Application Profile screen, select:
- Do you intend to resell your software: No
- FedEx web services you intend to use: FedEx Web Services for Shipping
- Are you a corporate developer or a consultant: Corporate Developer
Click Continue.
- Read the terms and conditions of the License Agreement and click I Accept.
- Fill out your contact information. (You cannot use special characters, such as ".", "#", or other non-number or non-letter characters within the address fields as it may cause failure.) Click Continue.
- Tick the box to update your developer account with the information, otherwise click Continue.
- IT IS CRITICAL that you print this confirmation page AND write down your Authentication Key, as you cannot retrieve this later on.
- You should now have received an email from FedEx.com Online Services with the subject: "Your Developer Production Key Registration is Complete". It contains your Production Password, FedEx Account Number, and Production Meter Number. YOU MUST USE THIS NEW PRODUCTION PASSWORD as your password in the following step, NOT the one you created to access your FedEx account.
Add FedEx Settings to CFWebstore
After following the steps above, you should have the following data:
- Authentication Key (from Step 9 above)
- Production Password (from Fedex.com Online Services email)
- FedEx Account Number (from Fedex.com Online Services email)
- Production Meter Number (from Step 9 above or Fedex.com Online Services email)
- Login to your store's Admin.
- Click Shopping then Shipping Settings.
- Either Add Shipping Type or Edit the existing shipping type.
- Choose Automated FedEx Shipping Rates and hit Save.
- Click the link FedEx Web Services Settings.
- Fill out the form and hit Save.