// this function replaces illegal characters in product/category/feature/pages names for creating SES links
function SESFile(str,dummyext=request.SESdummyExtension){
var strip = LCase(Replace(str,' ','-', "ALL"));
strip= ReReplace(strip,"[^wd-]+","","ALL");
strip = strip & '.' & dummyext;
return strip;
with this:
// this function replaces illegal characters in product/category/feature/pages names for creating SES links
function SESFile(str){
var strip = LCase(Replace(str,' ','-', "ALL"));
strip= ReReplace(strip,"[^wd-]+","","ALL");
strip = strip & '.cfm';
return strip;
If you're using CF7, you'll need to replace the function starting ~line 208:
with this:
If you're using CF7, you'll need to replace the function starting ~line 208:
<cffunction name="CleanHighAscii" access="public" returntype="string" output="false"
hint="Cleans extended ascii values to make the as web safe as possible.">
<!--- Define arguments. --->
<cfargument name="Text" type="string" required="true" hint="The string that we are going to be cleaning." />
<!--- Set up local scope. --->
<cfset var LOCAL = {} />
When cleaning the string, there are going to be ascii values that we want to target, but there are also going
to be high ascii values that we don't expect. Therefore, we have to create a pattern that simply matches all non
low-ASCII characters. This will find all characters that are NOT in the first 127 ascii values. To do this, we
are using the 2-digit hex encoding of values.
<cfset LOCAL.Pattern = CreateObject( "java", "java.util.regex.Pattern" ).Compile( JavaCast( "string", "[^x00-x7F]" ) ) />
Create the pattern matcher for our target text. The matcher will be able to loop through all the high
ascii values found in the target string.
<cfset LOCAL.Matcher = LOCAL.Pattern.Matcher( JavaCast( "string", ARGUMENTS.Text ) ) />
As we clean the string, we are going to need to build a results string buffer into which the Matcher will
be able to store the clean values.
<cfset LOCAL.Buffer = CreateObject( "java", "java.lang.StringBuffer" ).Init() />
<!--- Keep looping over high ascii values. --->
<cfloop condition="LOCAL.Matcher.Find()">
<!--- Get the matched high ascii value. --->
<cfset LOCAL.Value = LOCAL.Matcher.Group() />
<!--- Get the ascii value of our character. --->
<cfset LOCAL.AsciiValue = Asc( LOCAL.Value ) />
Now that we have the high ascii value, we need to figure out what to do with it. There are explicit
tests we can perform for our replacements. However, if we don't have a match, we need a default
strategy and that will be to just store it as an escaped value.
<!--- Check for Microsoft double smart quotes. --->
<cfif ( (LOCAL.AsciiValue EQ 8220) OR (LOCAL.AsciiValue EQ 8221) )>
<!--- Use standard quote. --->
<cfset LOCAL.Value = """" />
<!--- Check for Microsoft single smart quotes. --->
<cfelseif ( (LOCAL.AsciiValue EQ 8216) OR (LOCAL.AsciiValue EQ 8217) )>
<!--- Use standard quote. --->
<cfset LOCAL.Value = "'" />
<!--- Check for Microsoft elipse. --->
<cfelseif (LOCAL.AsciiValue EQ 8230)>
<!--- Use several periods. --->
<cfset LOCAL.Value = "..." />
<!--- Add the cleaned high ascii character into the results buffer. Since we know we will only be
working with extended values, we know that we don't have to worry about escaping any special characters
in our target string.
<cfset LOCAL.Value = "&###LOCAL.AsciiValue#;" />
At this point there are no further high ascii values in the string. Add the rest of the target text to the
results buffer.
<cfset LOCAL.Matcher.AppendReplacement( LOCAL.Buffer, JavaCast( "string", LOCAL.Value ) ) />
<cfset LOCAL.Matcher.AppendTail(LOCAL.Buffer) />
<!--- Return the resultant string. --->
<cfreturn LOCAL.Buffer.ToString() />
with this:
<!--- Define arguments. --->
<cfargument name="Text" type="string" required="true" hint="The string that we are going to be cleaning." />
<cfset return_string = arguments.text>
<cfreturn return_string />