We recommend that if you're using Paypal Standard that you switch to Paypal Express. We've had several clients report Paypal orders not getting recorded in the CFWebstore admin. This appears to a communications problem with Paypal Standard.
If you're using CFWebstore version 6.50 or above, Paypal Express is already built-in. It's simply a matter of setting up APi credentials in your Paypal account and adding them to payment settings in the CFWebstore admin.
NOTE: Paypal Express bypasses the CFWebstore address fields, send the customer to Paypal, and then back to CFWebstore to approve the order. At client request we changed this behavior so in CFWebstore version 6.60 we mimic the same layout and process as Paypal Standard.
1. Login to your Paypal account - https://www.paypal.com/signin/
2. In the upper right corner, click on ‘Profile’, then ‘Profile and Settings’.
3. On the left column, click ‘My selling tools’
4. Click on API access ‘update’.
5. Click ‘Request API credentials’
6. Do the security check
7. Make sure ‘Request API signature’ is selected and then click ‘Agree and Submit'
8. Open a new window so you can transfer these settings to CFWebstore
9. Login and go to Admin > Shopping > Payment Settings
10. Under Paypal Method, select ‘Express', and save.
11. Now click on the tab 'Paypal Settings' and transfer the Paypal API username, password, and signature. Click 'save'.
12. Run an order through to make sure everything is setup correctly.