Been a while since I posted anything to the blog, so thought I'd pass on some useful links and tools I've been using recently.
The first is the awesome CF411 site maintained by Charlie Arehart. This is a compendium of links to all kinds of ColdFusion tools, blogs, articles, tutorials, just about anything you might need if you are a ColdFusion developer (or if you just dabble). It's a HUGE resource that everyone that works with CF should have bookmarked.
CFQuickDocs is a really nice online ColdFusion documentation reference done using Ajax. Much faster and easier to pull up tag and function reference and easily swap the CF versions as well.
Local Raleigh CF'er Jim Priest gave a presentation at CFUnited on automation for the CF developer. Included many of the tools and tips that I use myself such as Find and Run Robot, AutoHotKey, LastPass, Lazarus, etc. Check it out here.
If you do any development work for clients, learning to use source control is something you should look into. There are a variety of excellent hosting companies that offer SVN and/or Git hosting, Codesion. is one that is very popular and that I use myself. Recently someone pointed me to another option, Unfuddle which not only hosts your repositories, but provides some really top-notch project management and ticket tracking as well, all for very reasonable prices.
Finally, recently I was having a major problem debugging a Flex remoting issue. I ended up solving it by using an HTTP debugging proxy tool. It occurred to me that this may be a really useful tool for many CFWebstore developers as well, if you work with any portions of the code that interact with external servers, like shipping or payment gateways. Basically an HTTP proxy can show you all the data passing back and forth and greatly assists when trying to determine where a problem might be occurring. My favorite proxy tool is Charles which has excellent capabilities and a really nice clean interface, but it does cost $50 to purchase. Under the free category, you'll find Fiddler which is a free proxy done by Microsoft that is fairly widely used and has many plugins available as well.
Well, that's about all I have. Feel free to post your favorite tools in the comments (spam will be removed!)