Readers of this blog know I've been a big fan of the Railo open source CFML server engine. Open BlueDragon also continues to improve and has good support from the community. Now we have the new ColdFusion 9 release from Adobe as well to be excited about! I particularly love the new ORM/Hibernate features. It will be sometime before many of these new features make their way into CFWebstore (since the product will continue to support older CF versions for sometime) but there's one new feature of CF9 you can take advantage of now...speed! One thing that has impressed me so much with Railo was how much faster it ran sites versus CF8 and OBD. CF9 has definitely closed the gap in areas, particularly with object creation. We are seeing some very basic speed comparison tests posted to various ColdFusion blogs which you may find interesting, if you are look to migrate to one of these servers.
Unoffical Speed Test
CFC Creation Time
Object Creation Test
On another note, did you know there is a host offering Railo hosting? Check it out!
Vivio Technologies also offer both Railo and Open BlueDragon as options on their Linux VPS plans. If you are up for running your own server, this is one of the cheapest options and gives you great performance that blows shared hosting out of the water!
Vivio Technologies