Okay, I'm sure when you read this title, you will think, sure, I changed the admin password a long time ago! Well, this is just a reminder that to make things a little less easier for hackers, you might want to actually change the username for the admin account as well. If you are still using the default "admin" login, that's one piece of information a hacker has without having to do any work at all. Take a minute to change your admin login username as well and you'll add just a bit of additional security to your site. You can change it by clicking on My Account and then going to the Change Password screen.
For passwords, make sure you use a strong password, at least 8 characters, with a mixture of upper and lowercase, numbers and special characters. Ideally change your password on a regular basis as well. The upcoming major release of CFWebstore will reinforce some of these rules for store administrators, but you can get a jump on it and start using them now!