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Products Edit Form

Clicking Edit Products on the Order Details Screen will open up the Products Edit Form where the basket is normally displayed. The form allows you to edit the following information for each item in the order:
  1. Quantity – Number of this product to purchase.
  2. Price – Base price for the product for this customer (after any quantity discounts).
  3. Discount – Any additional product discounts to apply.
  4. Options – For options, you enter the list of option descriptions (and selected choice) and the total price of the options selected.
  5. Addons – If the product has addons, they will displayed here in a text box form you can edit. For addons, you can edit both the price multiplied by the quantity and the price that is not (see product addons for more information). 
Please note that changes on the basket edit form will not change any amounts charged by the system to credit cards or PayPal. These are internal changes only.