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Dropshipping Form

Clicking the Dropshipping button on the Order Details Screen will open up a form allowing you to edit the drop-shipping information for the items in the order. If you are using the automatic dropshipping features, this information will be pre-filled for you. (See the Shopping Cart Settings and Product Pricing Tab for more information on automatic drop-shipping.) For each item in your cart, enter the following information:
  1. Quantity – Enter the amount of this product that will be shipped from the vendor. You must enter at least ‘1’ for the purchase order to be created.
  2. Vendor – Select the vendor to assign this product to. You can create vendors in the Accounts section.
  3. Vendor Part – The part number (SKU) this vendor uses for the product.
  4. Vendor Price – The vendor’s price for this product.
  5. Note – You can enter any additional notes on the product here.
After filling out the drop-shipping for each of the products, click Update Dropshipping to save the information. You will now have a link to Open the Purchase Order, or depending on your setting for when drop-shippers are emailed, it may be created for you.